Family. What a nice and wonderful word. It makes me feel secure, happy, and warm. When it comes to my family, I could not ask for better members. Whether it is my immediate family, or extended family members, I consider myself pretty lucky. I wonder if we all feel that way about our families. I bet a lot of us do not. That is sad to know.
When I first dated my ex husband, I met his family. I instantly loved them. Not too common. My mother in law is a caring, generous and wonderful woman. We still remain very close. Now that I am back in the dating world, I have to meet more "families" that are not my own. It is nerve wracking. Not only do I have to meet their parents, but their children as well. Kids are hard to please. Especially if you are dating their "dad." What about other members of their family? Brothers, sisters, aunts, or uncles? It is very important to meet all of them. Why? Because when you are dating, chances are that man or woman is not fully being themselves. They put on an "act" to impress you in the beginning and that "act" may go on for quite a while. The best thing to do is meet their family. Their family is not going to put on any type of "act." They are going to be themselves. They will show their true colors, and chances are that their true colors will be quite similar to the true colors your significant other is not revealing to you. Like they say, "The apple does not fall far from the tree."
You are so right about families. As normal as I am, I used to have this crazy uncle that lived with us. He used to get drunk at Beatrice's. Whe he came home he used to whizz in my ma's potted plants. That would reallyu make her mad.
That is funny------ disgustingly funny. LOL.
Oops, I meant to say ---
"That's disgustingly funny" Wanted to make sure I used a contraction. LOL
Hey, you're a mother of three. The last thing I think you would like to have is another contraction.
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