Empathy. Do you know what the means? I know a lot of people that have no clue what it means. For all you that are reading and do not know, here is the definition:
"Empathy, which literally translates as in feeling, is the capability to share another being's emotions and feelings"
I am sure we all know someone like that. Hell, I am sure we know many people like that. I think that it is pretty sad when a person in incapable of showing empathy. I have been going through a lot of hard times the last year, almost two. I was separated from my husband and living with him at the same time. The divorce was final June 6th of 2009. He moved out in July. I have empathy for my children and for my ex husband as well. He accepted a job in North Carolina so I knew how difficult it was for him to leave his kids. That is empathy. My dad died in August of that same year. He had a stroke that pretty much came out of nowhere. Since my divorce, I have not been able to keep up with my mortgage, so I tried to modify my loan with my mortgage holder. They denied me. Now my house is for sale and I got an offer on it---- for almost 100 grand less than what I owe. Hopefully the bank will waive the difference. Now, all I ask is some empathy from people that are close to me. People that claim they care about me. No one. Not one soul. I do not expect to be felt sorry for. I am one strong woman! When you empathize with someone, you are not feeling sorry for them. You are just being there for them when they need you the most. I wish I had someone like that. Some people just do not get it. What is funny, is those same people that do not empathize with you, expect YOU to empathize with them. Silly me, I forgot, their problems are so much more important than mine.
1 comment :
I can actually say that I do empathize with you. We have at least one issue in common. As far as the others,I can't even imagine how tough it is. I have the feeling you will pull through nicely.
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