If any of you know me by now I don’t like to take charity. I have mentioned that it must be the “control freak” in me. But there are times when I need a hand. Accepting help from the government as in food stamps, insurance, and any other perks does not seem like charity to me. After all, I have been a tax paying citizen since I was 16 years old. I am sure some of the taxes I have paid all those years go to Medicaid, Medicare, and the food stamps that some “unfortunate” people collect.
So, why don’t I qualify? Because according to their “income standards”, I make too much money. I make less than $100 dollars over their criteria. There is a chart they provide to see if your current income is low enough to get these benefits. This is the same chart that has not been changed or has been updated in many years I am sure. It has not changed with the current recession nor has it changed with just the cost of living. I am sure that my current income IS over the limit had I applied 10 years ago. Ten years ago my income would be excellent for a family of four. Now it is NOT. Don’t get me wrong, I am not looking for handouts, just a bit of help.
When I look at the forms to fill out there is one thing that stands out and makes me sick. It states in the “Frequently Asked Questions”:
• May I apply if someone in my household is not a U.S. Citizen?
The answer is as follows: “ Yes. You or your children(ren) do not have to be a U.S. Citizen to qualify for free or reduced-priced meals.”
Are you kidding me? I DON’T qualify for free OR reduced-priced meals because I MAKE TOO MUCH MONEY. I may be wrong, and please correct me if I am wrong, but if you are NOT a U.S. citizen, you DON’T pay taxes, right? So a hard working LEGAL single mom of three kids cannot get an ounce of help, but someone that has no business living here let alone working here can get all kinds of free shit?
I bet if you were a drug addict they would supply you with a monthly check and all the LINK you need.
same thing happened to me. my then husband was off on disability-no $ coming in yet (for 3mos.) & i had a stroke. they told me i made too much $ the 3mos. or 6mos. or year before! who cares???? what does that have to do with right now? Go to Public Aid office-"sorry you make too much $$" but EVERYONE in that room was from another country & they get help-that I paid for.
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