Saturday, January 16, 2010

Patience......Is it a virtue?

    This picture really says it all. Patience is a tricky thing really. Most of us know what we want, and most of us want it right away. We do not want to wait, but we all know "Patience is a virture", "Good things come to those who wait", and all those other sayings. But how true is that? I consider myself a very patient person. With three kids, heck, I HAVE to have patience. But with other things, patience can be a challenge for me. If you are patient for what you want, does that mean you will actually get what you want in time? Or, like the picture implies, are you patient and waiting for something that will NEVER happen? Let's say that you have strong feelings for someone. You do not want to rush that relationship and scare that person off or feel like an ass, so you become "patient." You wait and see where that relationship is going, and soon you realize that it may be going no where? What do you do? Do you end the relationship because you feel you have waited long enough, or do you continue to wait and hope that you made the right decision?

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Patience is good at times. But how long is too long to wait? A month? Six months? Being patient in a relationship is good but don't wait forever.