Tuesday, November 6, 2012

'Tis The Season

     The Holiday’s are fast approaching. It seems like they arrive a lot sooner than they did when I was younger. Long gone are the days of counting down until Christmas morning when you awake to find gifts from “Santa” under the tree. Long gone are the days of innocence and childhood bliss. For most adults Holiday’s bring stress.

      As we all enter this Holiday Season, let’s take time to think about others. I am not referring to what to get them for that “perfect gift.” I mean the others that are struggling and suffering this year. People and families in need are hard to identify. They may have a lot, things they acquired when they were working, so you may look at them and think they are well off, doing fine, and happy.  Maybe they lost a job, or lost a loved one that was the sole provider for their family. Maybe one of their children is very sick and they are buried under a ton of medical bills.
      Some people are more proud these days and hide their issues; they don’t talk about them for fear of ridicule or embarrassment. They won’t ask for help. They hide behind their laughs, smiles, and then cry in private, wondering what to do.
      All I ask this time of year from all of you is to be more aware of the people around you. Don’t be so judgmental of others and caught up in yourself and YOUR life and make a difference in someone else’s life. You can’t judge a book by its cover. So when you see that lady in the grocery store with the big diamond ring, and nice clothes, don’t assume she is happy, rich, loving life and not suffering. She may have lost her husband not too long ago and is lonely, depressed, sad, and wondering where her next gallon of milk is going to come from because she has not worked in years.  
      Remember, someone always has it worse than you. I have to remind myself of that every day. Thank God you have what you have. Whether it is your job, your home, or your kids. It could be worse. And don’t do this just around the Holiday’s, do it all year round.