Sunday, January 17, 2010

Silence is NOT golden

I do not believe silence is golden. Well, not all the time. In relationships, silence CAN be golden. When there is an argument going on, sometimes it is better to just close your mouth, even if you are right. Relationships are a "give and take." In other aspects of the relationship, silence is a relationship "breaker." Communication is the key to a successful relationship. It ranks right there with trust. How can you love someone if you do not trust them, and how can you trust them if there is no communication? Men and women are not mind readers. We do not know what each other wants or is thinking. Sure, sometimes if we know one another very well, we can figure out what is going on, but in the start of a relationship, you must talk openly to one another. It is really frustrating to try and guess what the other one wants or is needing. I myself can admit that I am not a really good communicator. That is something I need to work on.

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