Thursday, January 14, 2010

What is the definition of single?

I have been asked what the question of "single" is on many occasions. Are you single if you are dating someone? Here is the official definition of single:

Not accompanied by another or others; solitary.
Consisting of one part, aspect, or section: a single thickness; a single serving.
Having the same application for all; uniform: a single moral code for all.
Consisting of one in number: She had but a single thought, which was to escape.
Not divided; unbroken: a single slab of ice.
Separate from others; individual and distinct: Every single child will receive a gift.
Having individual opponents; involving two individuals only: single combat.
Honest; undisguised: a single adoration.
Wholly attentive: You must judge the contest with a single eye.
Designed to accommodate one person: a single bed.
Lacking a partner: a single parent.
Relating to the unmarried state: enjoys the single life.
Of or relating to celibacy.

Ok then. According to the information above, I guesss I am NOT single for the fact that I am dating someone. There is a lot more to my relationship that I am in, but too private to discuss here. But, it also states "Unmarried." I am not married. But then again, I am a single parent. A little of a contridiction here? Maybe. You decide. I think many of us call ourselves "single" when things are going bad in a relationship or if the relationship hits a snag, and then "attached" when things in regards to the relationship are going well. Hmmm, maybe that is not a good relationship to be in if you think that sometimes. A healty relationship should not be like that. That said, I am glad I am in a relationship and I consider myself a very lucky girl. A very lucky "not-single" girl.

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