Goodwill is a wonderful organization. It is one that I am happy to say I donate to on a consistant basis. I'd rather donate to Goodwill then try and sell items. I get a "feel good" feeling when I do that. I feel that I'm helping others as well as clearing my clutter. What I don't understand is why people must feel that they have to write their donations off when it is tax time. Donating is supposed to make you feel good that you are helping the less fortunate, so why should you benefit from your kindness at the end of the year? Comments are strongly suggested.
I buy all my clothes at Goodwill. I wish they had men's underwear in my size. I feel uncomfortable wearing the ladies all the time.
Ya, I never got the donations tax slip thing either. I just want to get rid of my shit, and I'm happy that it will make someone else happy.
Why can't people do something good, just to do something good these days?
Why do people expect to get something for doing something.
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