Friday, January 14, 2011

Thank you so much!

Thank you

I would like to extend a big huge thank you to someone that was a big part of my life. In fact, he was a part of my life for 17 years. I have compiled a list of things below to express my gratitude.

• Thank you for all the lies you told me. Because of that, I no longer trust anyone nor believe what anyone says.
• Thank you for the clean house I had all these years. When I am upset, I clean.
• Thank you for making me so beautiful. With the low self esteem you gave me all these years I was forced me to continually update my hair, makeup, and all the latest fashions just to get your approval which I never got.
• Thank you for the construction experience as well. You have showed me how to put up and take down my “walls” for years. Most of the time now they are up. Please refer to reason number one why they are still up.
• Thank you for all the medical bills I have. Without you in my life I would have never had the pleasure of an upper and lower GI. Stress and unhappiness can really take a toll on your body.
• Thanks for all the drinking you did too! You have really showed me what an ass I could really look like in front of my kids.
• Thanks for thinking I was hiding shit in my drawers. When you pulled out everything from them looking for “something” I may have been hiding, I have learned the patience needed to fold laundry.
• Thank you for spending all our money on booze, drugs, and motel rooms. Your spending has taught me to be very frugal.
• Thank you for being lazy and not doing anything around the house. Because of your laziness, I have learned how to use most any tool available to mankind.
• Thank you for leaving me the shitty car. Upon doing so, I have met some really nice people at the car dealership when it was in for service, and I have become closer friends to people that stood out in the cold with me to jump it when it didn’t start. Hope they are lasting friendships. Also, by leaving me the shitty car, you proved once again that you always take the better car. Now I can trade this one in for a new car, AND YOU CAN’T TAKE THIS ONE AWAY FROM ME!!
• Thank you for spending all our mortgage payment money each month on your booze, drugs, and hotel rooms. Because of that, our home almost went into foreclosure. And because you spent all that money, I was forced to short-sale it before it went into foreclosure and I was forced to move out into the most beautiful HOME I have ever lived in.
• Thank you for spending all that money all those years on booze, drugs, and hotel rooms. When you did that, it left basically nothing left for extra things. I have learned to live within my means and only buy things that are needed. I also learned how to negotiate with bill collectors and utilities when bills are late.
• Thank you for taking the new car when you drove off that day. That saved me $100 a month on a car payment.
• Thank you for losing every job you had when we were together. It really made me buckle down and make sure I kept mine. I guess someone had to provide for the family.
• Thank you for being an absent parent in mind, not body. I got to do all the enjoyable things for the kids. I got most of the kisses, hugs, and thank you’s from them. I also got the satisfaction of knowing I was doing a good job being a parent. It was exhausting and still is, but It is well worth it.
• Thank you for making me realize there is no such thing as love. Only love exists with your children and immediate family. It is not possible for a man to love. I don’t think it is their genes.

I am sure the following companies and product would also like to thank you as well. Without your help, I would not have purchased any of these items as often as I did.

• Any brand of hair color available over the counter.
• Any brand of make up.
• Cigarettes
• Pain reliever
• Tums and Rolaids
• Ace Hardware and Home Depot
• Computer spy software
• Every diet aid known in the world.
• Sleeping pills

I am also sure there are companies that would NOT like to thank you. Because of you, I don’t go to these places and spend my money. And some of them I never will.

• Bars and lounges
• Liquor stores
• Hotels and Motels
• Bridal stores. (Oh, I forgot, I never went to one EVER because there was no need to. You don’t really have bridesmaids at a court house).

Most of all, thank you so much for agreeing to the divorce. Because of the stress the divorce brought upon me, I have not looked or felt better in years. I have lost a ton of weight and have more self esteem that I have had in years. I have become a strong, frugal, and self-sufficient person because of you. Thank you my dear, without your help, I would not be what I am today.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year’s Resolutions


    Making resolutions for the New Year to me is a cop out. Usually they get broken and we don’t feel guilty for doing so. Now, if we were to make a conscience effort to make a life style change throughout the year and we didn’t follow through, the guilt would be greater. It’s all in the way we perceive things I guess. I think many of us make these resolutions with the thought that if they are broken it is okay because resolutions are made to be broken. That is why I am not making one.

    I have decided though to make some major changes in my life beginning this year. For one, I am going to be more patient. It seems that everyday I wake up, there is a new challenge heading straight ahead towards me. It is usually not a good challenge, usually one that requires me to take many aspirins once it is completed. I get about three of these challenges a day, sometimes more. Yeah, they make me a stronger person, but I am seriously getting tired of them. What I have been doing is sorting out and prioritizing these “challenges.” It is like the old saying “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” That is just what I am going to do.

I am not going to care if the following happen:

• There are dirty dishes in the sink

• There is dust on my T.V. (It’s a piece of shit anyway)

• Someone’s dirty laundry is all over the floor

• The carpet needs vacuuming

• Overdue bills

• The kids arguing about stupid shit as usual

What I AM going to care about is the following:

• There is a roof over me and my kids’ heads

• There is food in the fridge

• All my bills are paid, whether or not they are current does not matter anymore.

• I tuck my kids in at night

• I can feed my kids

• I am able to help them with their homework

• I listen to their day

• I listen to their fears, dreams, and anything else they want to tell me. And I will look at them when they talk

• I will actively listen to my kids and not think about anything else.

• I will love my children unconditionally, which I always have but now I am going to show it more often.

So, since I have been doing this, my house is a wreck, I learned more about my kids, and I feel a lot better physically and mentally.