Saturday, December 12, 2015

A Day in the life of being unemployed

Day Five:

Yeah!! It is finally Friday! Wait…. Why should I care? Every day is the same. You don’t appreciate Friday any more when you are not working. Friday is not a day to look forward to when you are unemployed because it means the end of emails and phone calls with job offers. It means the dreaded long weekend. With these feelings also comes the feeling of anticipation of Monday. A bit backwards you may think. Monday is the start of a new week, a new beginning. Maybe I will get a job offer. Maybe I will get a call for an interview. I mean, it has been five days….. I am getting a bit impatient.

A Day in the life of being unemployed

Day Four:

    Boy, it sure has been a long week. It is only Thursday.  Money… it is always about money. I was struggling when I was working and this is just unbearable. I never thought I would wonder how I was going to pay for toilet paper. It is the little things we take for granted. Being unemployed gives you a different outlook on life. It really makes you appreciate the little things. I am thankful for my family and a close friend that has helped me so far. I truly think that without them I would be in a worse position than I am now. But I have realized that their help will not come every month.

    I am officially in the “scared” phase. I know it has only been a few day, but I am not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel just yet. I am still applying for jobs and networking with people. I have had a few job offers but the locations are very far, not far enough to move but too far to drive.

                 As my bank account dwindles, so does my faith.

A Day in the life of being unemployed



Day three:

It is now Wednesday…… I think. Who knows anymore. I’m thankful my son is still in school to help me keep track of what day it is. I managed to get out of the “feeling sorry for myself” phase. I quick slap to my own face took care of that. I had my good cry and now it is time to concentrate on my life and what the heck I am supposed to do with it. I am 49…. No spring chicken here.  I could return to school. I did start a Medical Transcription & Editing online course. However, because I did not have enough time to complete the work I received a failing grade which resulted in my financial aid being terminated. Oh joy, why could I not have gotten fired when I was still enrolled? I find myself with a TON of time now. In order to finish, I would have to pay out of pocket for this semester. Yeah, I have six-hundred dollars lying around. I am kicking myself in the ass for this mistake. How l would love to finish this course. My plans were to finish this then proceed to take the Medical Billing & Coding course. I have realized that I am not one to work for someone else. With training in both of these careers, I could have worked from home. I hate the office politics. I think that is what makes going to work so miserable.

So, as I contemplate my future, I am trying to explore all avenues. Maybe a different career? Move out of state? I am not sure what to do, but I need to do something fast.


Friday, December 11, 2015

A day in the life of unemployment

Day Two:

It is now day two. It feels like day 100. I woke up this morning full of energy. I thought to myself, “This is going to be a great day!” I was definitely trying to see the positive in this horrible time in my life. I updated my resume and logged onto every job site located on the Internet. As I was searching, I found myself looking for jobs out of state. Why not? I have nothing left here. I would miss my mom terribly, but other than that, there was nothing here for me.  

Soon, my energy level was depleted. I realized that I was in the “I don’t care” phase. Not a good phase to be in. I tried to do things around the house. I thought if I organized my house the other aspects of my life would immediately be organized as well. Then I realized it does not work that way. Needless to say, my house is still in disarray. There is nothing worse than walking around the house aimlessly with your head in a jumble. Many thoughts were going through my head. How am I going to pay my rent? How am I going to feed my kids? What about insurance? Oh yeah, and the one that is weighing the hardest on my mind is Christmas. Then the tears came. Tons of tears. It would not stop. It was like someone turned on the faucet in my head. I spent the rest of the day feeling sorry for myself.

A Day in the life of being unemployed

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Not just your average Monday


          Monday morning I walked into work. It was just like any other Monday, but this particular Monday I was feeling pretty good. Christmas was coming up. Although my daughter would not be here for Christmas, I was somewhat looking forward to it. Money is always a problem and I always struggle at this time of year, always wondering where I am going to get money to buy gifts for my kids and my family. As I look back over the years, it has always worked out. But this Monday sure tested my faith.

As I was waiting for my computer to boot up, I walked to the printer to get my work. On my way to the printer I said my “Hi’s” to all the girls in the office. As I turned to go back to my desk, my manager and a supervisor from the corporate office wanted to talk to me in the conference room. As soon as he said “This is going to be difficult to say”, I knew what was coming. What I did not expect were the lies. When someone lies, they think you are stupid enough to believe them. I think that upsets me more than the lie itself.

How do I know they were lies? Maybe it was the way he was sweating bullets when he told me it was because of my write-ups. The last one was back in June. Maybe it was the way he was shaking like he was in the middle of a seizure when he told me the customer was requesting a “Personnel change”, or maybe it was the way neither one of them could look me in the face. I had no idea this was coming. I never called in sick, and when I was sick I would work from home. All my days off were scheduled days off. I even had left over vacation time and personal time that I was told to use by the end of the year. I always asked if anyone needed help. I also asked for additional training on different things, but everyone was too busy to train me. I am not saying I was a perfect employee. No one is. We all make mistakes. But this was unacceptable. More unacceptable was the fact that they could not wait until after the Holiday’s.


So, here I am again. Facing unemployment. This is how it is in transportation….. time to find a new career.